söndag 21 juni 2009


Sometimes life is just confusing. And hard. Life is hard because you have everything you want and need around you, but you know that these things that make you safe and happy are leaving you soon. Life is confusing because you want to build up a image that you are so stable and  bright and know everything. But even if that is the facade the inside is totally different. You know you're wrong. You know you're saying the wrong stuff, thinking the wrong way, doing the wrong things. And even if you're wrong, you keep going. You try to defend what you're saying, thinking, doing, even tough you know you're wrong and the person in front of you is right. You know that the person is right, but you don't want to give in. You don't want show the world that you're weak. And that life is hard doesn't make things easier. It messes up your mind, makes you to choose the wrong way even if you know its stupid. It makes everything worse. You know that its not a big deal, still you start screaming and shouting. For no reason. But you don't realize it until afterwards, when its too late. 

1 kommentar:

Anna sa...

Å vad jag känner igen mig i det du skriver. Tror att det bästa är att visa sig svag i svaga stunder. Det kommer man långt med. Längre än att hålla sig stark och inte släppa in någon när man som mest behöver det. Allt kommer bli bra men livet är jobbigare än man kan tro ibland och då är det okej att be om hjälp! Då går det fortare över!
Många kramar