A new chapter of my life has begun. More than a month has passed since I wrote my last post and since then my life has taken an entirely new turn. My journey from Luang Prabang too Stockholm included a three day stop in Bangkok hanging out with an old classmate. It was awesome. Then Christmas and New Years passed with no special surprises, except me maybe having the Salmonella disease, without not really being sick but only being a carrier. Working at a restaurant, I was forced to stay at home for two weeks having nothing to do except watching TV and playing Skyrim.
What has changed however, is that I no longer live at home but instead have my own place. A two-room apartment a 20 minutes walk from my mom's place. Not bad. I do not at home home at least once a week (Sarcasm).
I work full time, saving up some money and learning how to live and survive without mommy and daddy.
My 20th birthday is coming up. Well, its still more than a month left but I think its worth bringing up. When one turns 20 you are no longer a teen, but a real adult. Who can buy booze. And no longer travel on the reduced fare on the metro.
From now on I plan to write about how to survive without the supervision and service of my parents, maybe give some tips on how to live as cheaply as possible and brag about the shenanigans me and my friends are up to when we are not hanging out on my sofa drinking... Tea.
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