My second weekend in Lund more than made up for my first one when it comes to pretty much everything. Friday was spent hanging out at my friend's place, drinking tea and discussing Harry Potter and other important things. Saturday morning was dedicated to studies. We are expected to have learned and mastered Hiragana in a few weeks, and I am not planning to be left behind by the others. At two a'clock I met up with my group of "novisches"(we're called Wolf Pack by the way) together with the rest of the groups, both from our institution and institution of natural science, this event often referred to as the HTS vs LUNA battle. We were to compete against each other, and you would not only compete to honor your group but your institution as well. Second only to alcohol, competition might be the best way to get people to open up and become friends. Hours later, when we had carried each other around on our backs, failed to answer who played Captain Kirk in the original Star Trek and truly put our creativity to the test we ended it all with small BBQ.
Speaking of alcohol, later that night we had a few beers at my place and then went to the celebration party of the HTS vs LUNA battle and had a good time. The victor of today's battle was announced at the celebration, Wolf Pack did not win but at least our institution did.
Sunday was spent cleaning, taking care of everything in the kitchen that needed to be recycled, shopping, did some baking (and now my freezer is full of delicious homemade bread) and some studying of course. To wrap it all up I cooked a wonderful curry for dinner and I have enough leftovers to keep me covered for the rest of the week. Then, quite satisfied with myself, I bunkered up in front of the TV and enjoyed the complete series of BBC's Sense and Sensibility. Which is a really good adaption. I am quite overwhelmed by it, always on the verge on crying. But then again, I am always too emotional when I watch movies by myself.
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