lördag 20 februari 2010

"snow storm"

Sweden is in shock, a snow storm is all over the country and it is almost chaotic. Well, its not like "The day After tomorrow" but still. House roofs are collapsing becaus the snow is too heavy, car accidents and deleyed and cancelled busses and trains. Since soccer practice was cancelled I figured it would be smarter to stay inside the house. I wouldn't been able to go anywhere anyway.

måndag 15 februari 2010


Its been two weeks since my last post, and I apologize to you few readers who actuelly read my blog. A lot of things have been going on, been sick, a lot of school work and stuff so there haven't been any room for blogging.

The 17th of June I'm going back to New York! Yes, I can finally afford going there and I'm super excited. I'm gonna hang out with my friends all day and I can be there when they're graduating which is awesome. Eleven days I will stay. This also means I'm going to get extra boring until then so I can save so much money as possible, but it doesn't mean I'll never hang out though. Just staying home an extra day here and there. And DFNY people, I miss you and love you. I think of you guys every day. You know who you are.

måndag 1 februari 2010


As you all might have recognized, my life isn't really interesting. So you can imagine why I don't have that much inspiration to blog about so please forgive me for my sometimes very boring posts.

Today I read 110 pages in Crime and Punishment, I thought earlier I only had 20-30 pages to read then I came home and realized the truth. Yay.