torsdag 29 oktober 2009


When did feminism equal male-haters and dead to to all men ideologies? Today when you're saying you are feminist people ask you if you hate men. "No, I do not hate men" I tell them and then I add "but I believe in an equal society". Feminism means that you want a society, political and cultural, where the rights are equal for both sexes. It means that as a woman you should have the same pay as a man who has the same position and education as you do.
I read an article today and it was about a feminist group in a high school (gymnasium in Swedish) where their posters and flyers had been destroyed and posters with texts like "women are at their best when they suck" had been posted on the walls. I believe most people understand what they are trying to say. Can this be anything else than an attack on the feminist group in the school?
I just wonder where the change came, from when feminism meant equal rights to "let castrate all men"?

tisdag 27 oktober 2009

weekend summary+monday

On Friday me and the girls took the bus out to my friend's summer house. It was awesome, we made dinner, raspberry pie and watch a movie. Three of us out of five fell asleep five minutes into the movie so we gave up, and went to sleep instead, after some talking of course ;)

Saturday my little brother slept at my mom's house. He's never been there before, and he hasn't met my mom a lot either so he followed me like a tail wherever I went.

On Monday me and my friend was out shopping. I left home at 11 am and came home at 6pm, I think that is pretty good work.

onsdag 21 oktober 2009


Sorry for the ugly layout, I'm working on improving it.

tisdag 20 oktober 2009

parent night

At this time of the year the mornings are so dark. It's very hard to get up in the morning when you look out through the window. The phone says 6.10 am but the sky says midnight. So you snooze for 20-30 min, take a too long shower and then you have to run to catch up with the bus. And then the teacher is 15 minutes late because he got stuck in train traffic. Knowing this you realize you could have slept 10 minutes more or take a later bus instead of running after it.

Tonight we have some kind of parent meeting/back to school night/open house at my school. This is to inform the parents what IB is about and how we work here. All students will in groups present different subjects and the parents can walk around choosing what they want to hear more about.

måndag 19 oktober 2009


Monday morning. First class is History, luckily I only have three classes today so today won't be a problem and after school I will go see my friend who I haven't seen since christmas. Its gonna be awesome. I will update more tonight though. Maybe. 

fredag 16 oktober 2009


So. What am I doing a Friday night dressed in a T-shirt and sweatpants sitting in my room writing on my blog? And the time is 22.13. Yes, I wonder. First my friends I was planning to see cancelled (which wasn't her fault though). The problem is that after a school week I'm incredibly tired and the only thing I want to do is go home and eat a good dinner. And when home, I kinda forget to call people and then suddenly its to late to go out almost, and if I suddenly i got something to do it would probably take me more than an hour to leave the house and if I was gonna go to the city that would take me another hour. I wont complain though, because it is nice to be home and just rest and go to bed pretty early. And wake up tomorrow morning not like a zombie. 

torsdag 15 oktober 2009

Lars Winnerbäck and Kent

Have anyone noticed I've been updating here more now?

Thursday today. Pretty chill, no hard or annoying classes but of course most days are like that. I'm sitting here listening to Lars Winnerbäck, probably the first time in my life. But its nice.

Today I also booked Kent-tickets, since all their concerts sold out in like a day, they now planned an extra concert, and I have reserved them and as soon as possible I will go and get them. February 28th will be awesome. 

tisdag 13 oktober 2009


There are few things I love more than soccer. I love it all kinds of way, playing games, watching or just practicing. The feeling you have after a way too hard practice, when every muscle in your body is exhausted and the only thing you can do is to lie on the sofa because if you would stand up your body would fall to the floor in protest, is unbeatable. Those are the practices I love. Every tuesday we have practice, and I hoped for one of those today.

To bad. The weather was cold today. Extremely cold. This morning it snowed, even if it was just for a couple of minutes. Did you her me? SNOWED!! In october? I say what!!? Even in Sweden that's not normal. So now you know how cold it was. The practice today was very cold, fun but cold. Not the exhausting for the muscles one. 

söndag 11 oktober 2009

barack and alfred

An other weekend has passed and tomorrow its Monday again, I'll not complain because so far school's not that bad. It could absolutely been worse. Or maybe I am just totally unaware if we have homework or not. I sure hope that's not the case. 

I guess and hope most people know this already but for you who never and ever read the newspaper or just is very isolated, Obama won the Nobel peace prize. I have split feelings about this. He gets the prize as a symbol for hope, and for encouraging and saying "We think you're doing the right thing". I think thats great and I will not say I don't think he deserves the prize, because he does. I also think Obama's fight for a nuclear weapon free world is awesome. But, I cannot stop to suspect that the prize is given to him because, well, I don't know, maybe the Norwegians are just some big suck-ups.

The difference between the Nobel Peace Prize and the other Nobel Prizes is that the Peace prize will be given out in Oslo, and the others in Stockholm. Normally the winner goes to Stockholm after the ceremony though to visit the king. I sure hope Obama does. If he does I'm going to try take take a photo of him and then double the size of the picture like ten times and post it on my wall. 
And the peace prize is decided by the Norwegian committee and the other ones by the Swedish one. 

fredag 9 oktober 2009


So, I finally managed to brake down my writer's block. The last thing I wrote that wasn't a blog post was a short story I wrote for a competition here in Sweden, since then I haven't written anything. This week I finally broke my trend, I started to work on some character sketches and I also now have a start for a short story.

Today is Friday, and after school I went to see my friend Alice who I went to school with before I went to NY. It was pretty awesome. We picked up her super cute little brother on day care and then hung out at her place for a while. When her dad came home we went to a café and just talked. So simple, but so nice.

söndag 4 oktober 2009


Today is Sunday and end of the weekend. Tomorrow another week of school will start, and it actually feels pretty good. Biology test on Wednesday, but I've been studying so I'm good.

Me and my brother have been playing a lot together lately. When I say playing I don't mean videogames, but aplaying music, like making music. I play guitar and my brother's on the drums. So far we're only beginners and can only play pretty simple songs, but we'll improve. The problem is that we don't like the same kind of music. At all. So i don't know what kind of music we will play but I guess we will figure out something. And who knows, I may record it and post it on Facebook.  Wouldn't that be pretty awesome?