måndag 31 januari 2011

Difficult Days

Ronan Keating sings that life is a rollercoaster, and I think anyone can agree with him. The fact that you can feel almost all kind of emotions in less than 24 hours is a ridicolous thought. Rage, happiness, sadness, annoyance or just plain contempt.

Today was one of the toughest days in my life. I have had the luxury of never really loosing someone dear to me, and now when it finally happened I had no idea it would be so hard. Without any experience loosing someone, I also lack the experience dealing with all the emotions. When around friends, it is so easy not thinking about it but as soon as there is no one around the sadness grows like unwanted weed. By writing this in a blog that nobody reads I hope that it will help, at least for a while.

At least the memorial was beautiful. I saw the most hardened faces quiver, and only the most wonderful and amazing person would have the ability to make that happen.

lördag 29 januari 2011

How I Met Your Mother

For a while ago I started watching this american sitcom from CBS online, How I Met Your Mother. It is mainly set on Manhattan, and circulates about a group of people, one of them being Ted Mosby looking for the love of his life. It kinda has become an obsession of mine. For some weird reason I just love, love, love the show. It is probably a mixture of my love for New York City, lovable characters and great but sometimes twisted storylines.
When my mom asked me what kind of show it was, the closest thing I could come up with was "Friends" and maybe that isn't a bad comparison.

It focuses on a small group of central characters, the settings are mainly the characters' apartments and their local hang out spot (with few field trips however). Of course, this is the definition of any sitcom, but this special show is set on Manhattan. Which show am I speaking of?

HIMYM is known by almost anyone in my age. One of the characters, Barney (played by Neil Patrick Harris) is the who most stands out. And also the one character all guys want to be. He is constantly hitting on women and has one-night stands. Barney is one of the main reasons for HIMYM success. What makes him so likable (except his pure awesomeness) is his way of always making up theories about life, that might seem absurd at first but actually makes a lot of sense. Some of these are:

The Mermaid Theory: The idea that a guy will always want to sleep with a chick after some reasonable amount of time, even if he can't imagine it from the beginning. The woman starts out as a manatee, but then transforms into a mermaid.
The Cheerleader Effect: When a group of women looks attractive in a group, but studied seperately they look not better than average, sometimes even worse.
The Platinum Rule: That you should never get involved with someone who you have close contact to or see on a daily basis. Is based on eight steps: Attraction, bargaining, submission, perks, tipping point, purgatory, confrontation, fallout.
The Hot-Crazy scale: That a girl can be crazy if she is equally hot. This, I believe, also accounts for dudes.


In the IB-program, you are suppose to do something callen an Oral Commentary, one for every language you're taking. For me, that is Swedish and English. The concept is: the student recieve an extract from a book you have read during the year (you know which books). In English, the extracts are from two different book, and for me it was between the novel Beloved and the play A Streetcar Named Desire. You pick randomly between four envelopes and in it you have your extract. Then, you have tweny minutes for analysing and planning, then you will talk about, "comment" on it, for a duration between 10-15 minutes. The extract I got was from Beloved.

Beloved is, in my opinion, one of the greatest novels written in modern time. It is by Toni Morrison, who was awarded with the Nobel Prize in literature. It is set in America, and focusing on former slaves. It is set in two different timelines, or planes. It is a very hard novel, everyone hates it at first but then you often transform that hatred to love. Morrison explores themes such as memories, the past, love and slavery and all of them arebeautifully braided into each other.

Last week, I had my commentary. You have probably already figured out which novel I got (Beloved of course). Confused ramble during a ten minutes span about symbolism, themes and characters are hopefully enough to get a good grade.

fredag 28 januari 2011

Well Hello there

I have been thinking a lot lately, and I thought it might be fun to revive the blog. I haven't written anything (not counting school essays) for very long and to be totally honest my few writing moments have been missed. Writing is also the easiest way of expressing feelings, you can say so much with so few words. I figured the easiest way to write must be the blog and after som consulting with a friend here I am, back on track.

Now, this blog is not going to be the really boring blog it used to be. I hope that with it's new life, I will find a new source of inspiration and hopefully I will find the energy to write something interesting.

Be aware that my life is not that entertaining, but perhaps you will find my thoughts and reflexions exciting and worth spending time reading.

Lots of Love

PS. I will also try to use very fancy words, as a practice for the IB exams in May. By using a spectacular vocabulary I plan to make my english exam paper outshine all the others.