torsdag 29 oktober 2009


When did feminism equal male-haters and dead to to all men ideologies? Today when you're saying you are feminist people ask you if you hate men. "No, I do not hate men" I tell them and then I add "but I believe in an equal society". Feminism means that you want a society, political and cultural, where the rights are equal for both sexes. It means that as a woman you should have the same pay as a man who has the same position and education as you do.
I read an article today and it was about a feminist group in a high school (gymnasium in Swedish) where their posters and flyers had been destroyed and posters with texts like "women are at their best when they suck" had been posted on the walls. I believe most people understand what they are trying to say. Can this be anything else than an attack on the feminist group in the school?
I just wonder where the change came, from when feminism meant equal rights to "let castrate all men"?

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