måndag 11 januari 2010


Most people who know me knows this already, but I am a full-fletched nerd. I love fantasy and Sci-Fi, elves and vampires have always fascinated me and when I was eleven I hoped for getting an admittance letter from Hogwarts. In my heart I was born an elf, why my ears are not pointy is a mystery. I would definitely say yes if Legolas or Glorfindel asked me out. I love RPG games, games like Oblivion and Dragon Age: Origins makes me obsessed after the first hour. I do not play WoW though, thankfully.

Sadly enough, whenever anyone speaks the word "vampire" nowadays everyone systematically associate to "Twilight". Which is so sad. I am normally not a hater, and I do not hate the twilight series, I just think the books are very overrated and the author completely ruined the vampire concept.I have read the first two books and I guess I will read the other two also. Know thy enemy. I do like the idea that vampires are living among us, but not as open as they do in the book maybe. But. Vampires. Do. Not. Sparkle. Never ever. Vampires burn or are turn to stone or are very very weakened by the sun. Real vampires do not sparkle.

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