lördag 22 oktober 2011

A little update

I haven't been able to update for a while, it being several reasons. The internet (especially my internet) is incredibly slow and I haven't been able to load the writing page on my computer. The last week have been very fun actually. I have met up with two fellow couchsurfers, one traveling through and one who lives in Luang Prabang. The first one I met was Gary, an American traveling around southeast Asia and we had a drink at Scandinavian Bakery (note! drink means in this case iced tea/coffee). The other person I met was Melannie, another American who has spent the last 5 months in Luang Prabang working for a non-profit organization who focuses on building schools in rural Laos. We had dinner at her favorite restaurant and then took a walk through Luang Prabang, first checking out the night market and then strolling by the riverside. We really hit it off, I think both of us appreciated some new faces. Especially me since I don't know many people in my age in LP. And, she is a girl which is great since I only hang out with guys here. I also got two hugs! Yeah!! I am actually going to met up with her again next week. Awesome. Well. at the moment I am on a completely different adventure. I am going to take a trip through Laos and Vietnam these coming ten days. This morning I went by mini-van down to Vang Vieng. Vang Vieng is a little bit further than halfway down to Vientiane. It is famous as a party city and it's legendary tubing on the river which I will tell you more about tomorrow when I've tried it. On Tuesday I am taking the bus down to Vientiane to catch a plane on Wednesday to Hanoi. From Hanoi I plan to take the bus back to Luang Prabang. I see what I do about that. Let me just say that the trip today in the mini van was a about thousands time better than the last Vientiane visit. It was not only shorter but much more comfortable. And I saw a monkey at a Laotian farm. Which was both good and bad as it was super cute but also looked really sad. Vang Vieng is very very small. Twice I have run into Gary who I met in Luang Prabang for a coffee. Twice a group of Portuguese girls I met on the tuk-tuk. At the moment I am hanging out with two awesome Germans I met in the van, hopefully we're going tubing tomorrow together. No real partying today though. Leaving that for tomorrow. Tonight just going to relax in my queen size bed watching some TV before the workers on our neighboring construction site wake me up tomorrow at eight o'clock .

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