torsdag 11 juni 2009

Last CWC meeting and walking dogs in the rain

Today is Thursday. Period. That means tomorrow is Friday. Period. And Friday means almost weekend! Exclamation sign! I don't know why I'm writing like this, comma, but I felt like doing something special today. Period.

OK, I'll stop playing around now. As I said, today is Thursday which traditionally means Creative Writing Club. This was a very special meeting though. The last meeting of the year, which means the last meeting forever for me! It was also the last meeting for the seniors in my class and we ate cake and stuff to, I don't know, celebrate? Celebrate must be the wrong word though, it's not like we celebrated because we were so happy we never had to come back there again. lets just leave it that we ate cake.

My family is babysitting a dog (dogsitting???) this weekend, some neighbors of ours are going away and we are walking her. Of course we chose to go out the minute before it started pouring, but we kept on walking so the dog could do her stuff. When we came back again the rain almost stopped. Just my luck*

*This is a movie with Lindsay Lohan btw. If you're not a girl between 13-19 I do NOT recommend it.

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