tisdag 8 november 2011

Vacation Land

Most of us in western society are more than familiar with the term "Vacation". We have the summer vacation, when you go abroad or spend weeks at the summer house somewhere in the archipelago, or the winter vacation when the entire family with friend go either up north to the Swedish mountains or south down to the alps. What all vacations have in common however is that when we go, we enter some kind of a Vacation Land state and we behave in a fashion we would never do at home. Vacation often go hand in hand with traveling, and the change is especially clear when we are away from the security of home. The most prominent example is how you speak to strangers in different way. At home, we tend to stick to our own private group of friends and not very often we expand that group. On vacation however, you start talking with someone random during a bur ride and you end up spending the following days with each other. You also tend to forget your own dress code while you're away. Good bye white button downs, black suits, tight jeans, high heals or whatever you prefer, and hello tacky BeerLao T-shirts and In the Tubing-tanks. Hello fluffy harem 2-dollars pants looking as if you just stepped out of a Hippies Conference. Hello flip-flops and trekking-sandals. And, I am starting to do it as well. Last week I bought a pair of shorts from the Night Market which looked like Aladdin's yellow pants. The Pre-Prince Aladdin. But mine are reddish brown instead. I am also seriously considering buying a white BeerLao T-shirt.

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