söndag 16 september 2012

A semi-productive weekend

The weekend started with an ending. Friday evening the novisches of HTS all gathered for a "sittning",    or a dinner dedicated to fun, singing and eating all finished with a party. In real True Blood spirit all the groups dressed up according to their themes. Wolf pack of course went as the biker werewolves, and we looked awesome. During the dinner the winner of the novisch-competition was announced, and we did not win. We came in second, so close!

Saturday I got myself a bedside table and did some grocery shopping. We found this amazing little shop with super cheap vegetables the other day and decided to go shopping every weekend together, sharing ideas and recipes.

Sunday was IKEA-day! My relative who live just outside of town and I went to the famous warehouse and did some shopping. After the fastest IKEA-run ever I was home, 600 kr poorer. Definitely worth it though, got a wok-pan in which I made pad thai for dinner. Speaking of pad thai, it turned out great. Even though I lacked several of the ingredients. Like meat and tofu and tamarind and banana leaves. Substituted tamarind with white vinegar and added bell peppers instead of tofu. 

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