torsdag 6 september 2012


I have been making friends! Yesterday was the "Novisch-BBQ" where we meet in our groups, hang out and just talked while the elders made us food. After several hours of hanging out on the lawn outside school, the chilly night made us look for the closest bar. Here the groups dissolved and we all had a good time over a beer or two. Even though I left early (I had class coming up the following morning) I did have a good time.

Today was the first full day of classes when we actually had both a lecture in the morning and the afternoon and when I actually staid in school and had lunch. The Japanese students occupied the lunch room and I managed to talk to most people of my group. The awkwardness has finally disappeared and people now talk to each other without any reservation and shyness at all. This might be thanks to our teachers, since some of the activities we do in class forces us to talk to each other. Thank you, sensei!

I even had some coffee with a fellow student afterwards! Awesome! Even though that mocha latte might be the last one for a long while, I have to start being more thoughtful of what I spend money on. Beer and coffee are not priorities when you live on a student budget.

Sorry for the boring and very bland post. 

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